
Log in with to leave a comment. can you make this game a homebrew port for the nes pls

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First start it worked but now it just stay in the task bar and I can't open it :/

Hey developer, my 6 year old is crying his eyes out because he wanted your game and it will not run.  I have installed the latest C++ runtimes and I still get missing .dll errors when I try to load your game.  I told him you released a broken game and he won't believe me. What is the fix exactly? 


Very sorry, the most recent update (version 1.1.2 available above) should fix the issue. Download and extract as normal and if launching TypingSimulator3D.exe still doesn't work, try downloading the Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version:

I have no money :c

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Join the discord, you can grab a copy in there,

i cant join, either expired, or because im in germany

Deleted 154 days ago
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This doesnt work now.(Or stopped working yesterday idk i just got here, btw i mean the invite)

its expired. i dont usually look in so sry im 13 days too late

Edited the very top link so that it will never expire now.